Saturday, January 2, 2010

Today and Yesterday

I know I keep "raven" about how beautiful it is here through the pictures I put on this blog but I have to say it is so beautiful and changing from moment to moment that I can't help but take so many photographs.
Today I went for a walk at Vermilion Lakes with my friend Audrey. The sun and shadow played over the mountains and the ice on the lakes in perpetually shifting patterns that were like highlights and spotlights. There is some open water and four mallards were toughing it out - having stayed for the winter.
My favourite photo from today is the hole in the ice.
Yesterday we went to Cascade Ponds again. By the way, Santi is delirious that her "mum" is home. And she was also beside herself to find her very own "Mini-Me" at the ponds. Santi loves nothing better than "herding" another dog as it plays Frisbee or chuck-it.
And I took another picture of my seed-pod snowflowers with more snow added to their blossoms.
I head back to work on Monday so I may not be posting as many photos for a while.

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