Friday, September 26, 2008

The train disappearing into the trees (and trees and trees) of northern Ontario. I had never been in the regions north of Lake Huron or Lake Superior.
I admit I was disappointed the train veered inland and away from the shore of Superior as I had been told by many that it was breathtakingly beautiful.

Well I have to say I found the rivers and lakes and trees of the interior breathtakingly beautiful! What vast space in this country....I know it is a cliche.... but until I actually crossed 8 provinces I don't think I 'felt' the vastness.

The train from Toronto to Jasper had several groups of British tourists, mostly over 55, and I loved to sit int he lounges or the dining room and listen to the multiple accents. It was as if I was in an episode of Coronation Street.

One dear, retired gentleman, with whom I sat at lunch one day, quietly remarked that the trip was "bittersweet" for him as his wife had died at Christmas and they had intended to take this trip together. I was moved by the quiet acknowledgment of his grief. I thought of him often during the ride.

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