Friday, February 25, 2011

Abbey Adventures and BRRRRRRR! back in Banff

Back in Banff after a marvellous journey of more than 2 months - filling my heart with family and friends.
These are a few photos of my stay at the Abbey in Rogersville with the gang.
17 years! we have been going to the Abbey on our "retreats".
What a blessing this time was for me.
Lots of snow and storms kept bringing more snow while we were there.
Snowshoeing, walks, tobogganing (almost impossible in the too deep snow). J.J. the gorgeous dog.


Diane Wile-Brumm said...

It looks soooo blustery. Happy memories for sure!

Lorraine said...

We were sooooo happy to see you and honoured to be 'fit' into your schedule. The Boyd's