Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Road trip to snowshoeing

What a day! Darrell and Mojo's snowshoeing adventure.....Charley couldn't come this time but we will get him out on snowshoes yet.
We headed out to Bow Summit - which is past Lake Louise on the road to Jasper...but still in Banff National Park. The skies were grey but it was beautiful and the clouds were interesting.
Then you see me in my snowshoes and off we go up, up, up through the trees. You can see from one of the photos of Darrell that it was steep in parts.
Darrell was very kind and he broke the trail when we were in new snow & it was deep snow too as I found out when I lost a snowshoe and went in up to my thigh. That is Peyto Lake way down in the valley. Several photos of it....Then we met the grouchy grouse. It was a Spruce Grouse that followed us along part of the trail. Habituated to being fed by tourists no doubt, he came right up to us and made very interesting sounds - a sort of purring-clicking sound. When we didn't feed him he seemed to get cross and he got on the back of Darrell's snowshoes and started pecking at his legs. I didn't get any photos of him attacking us....
We met him again on the way back and he started pecking at me. He was either being territorial or he really was mad we didn't feed him.
There is a photo of Bow Lake in a whiteout on the way back. The driving was not that bad...just that one spot where the wind swept across the lake. 
Tuckered out tonight after a wonderful mountain snowshoe trek.
Hope to go out again next week.

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