Sunday, May 2, 2010

Budge in Banff!

How happy the Mojo!
Today I had a wonderful visit from Budge Wilson.
It happened to be Budge's birthday and she and her daughter Glynnis dropped into Banff for the afternoon - after a conference in Lake Louise where Budge was the star of the whole conference with her talk - and on the way to Red Deer where Glynnis lives.

Two Abbey girls together in Banff and yesterday, many Abbey girls in Lunenburg to celebrate Diane's art show.
I feel so happy having had a chance to hug Budge and hear all sorts of news.


Go ForWords said...

How wonderful to see you and Budge together - she looks fabulous!! (so do you!!)

And don't apologize for your tulip shots - they leave me breathless. I download them and make wallpaper out of them for my desktop. I have three Mojo originals now!


jake said...

Such beautiful pictures of both of you, not even counting the backgrouond! So glad you got together - the Abbey spirit goes west.

Lots of love