The area where the horses are stabled is like a paradise hidden away from the tourist-staurated town. I had never seen the corrals before I stated riding Jake and it is such a wonderful place. Corrals - I think there may be 30 or so - are placed along two roads, in a big U-shape, and most house two horses. Many different breeds, an Icelandic horse, an Arabian, a Tennessee Walking Horse, and draughthorses, and everything in between, including a mule. Who knew this world existed just a few kilometres from my house. I am even deliriously happy shovelling the maure out of the corral and brushing the horses. Jake is calm and so good-natured. Smoke is too. You can see how tall Jake is in the picture with me barely showing above his shoulder.
The mountains make a glorious background.
The horses are all moved for the winter. So I hope to see Jake and Smoke once more before they head to pasture until next spring. I am so happy that Sylvie shared the boys with me this fall.