Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year

These are a few pictures of the wanders Charley and I were able to have over the holidays - elk at Cascade Pond, steam and snow at Vermillion Lakes (steam from the sulpher springs' hot water meeting the ice and snow) and the last two photos of mountains this morning when I walked out early with a friend's dog..
Everyone else still sound asleep in bed after a very late New Year's Eve of stupendous food (Charley our chef outdid himself, a terrine of 3 kinds of chocolate with pistachio sauce after a meal of ham & scalloped potatoes and Thai Chicken whew!) and mountains of hilarious laughter, I don't know when I laughed so hard and for so long - I mean hours of laughing.....
Blessed with friends I delight in seeing in this place while in my heart, friends who I hold close though they are far away. The mountain in last picture seems to be the new year rising clean and bright against a spacious and brilliant blue sky.
May your new year be full of light. x mojo