Saturday, August 21, 2010

These 2 baby ducks were on the Bow River - can one of my knowledgeable bird friends please tell me what they are?
I searched the internet I wasn't successful in identifying them since the adults look so different from the immatures.
Wasn't sure if they were ruddy ducks, harlequins, or maybe they aren't even ducks at all...geese?

So much smoke in Alberta from BC forest fires I have had to stay inside for 2 days.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

On the long weekend we had friends here from New York City - and we hiked up to the Plain of the Six Glaciers. very beautiful.

Up near the top - this was a big hike for me in terms of altitude and up- it was about 14 kilometres I think round-trip.

Lake Louise Hotel in the far distance - on the way back from the climb.

Morraine Lake, Lake Louise again, and Gladioli.

What could be more Canadian than a Mountie in Banff?

We had wonderful guests all through July and it made me realize something. I miss the people I love - all across the country - and beyond - and I love Banff (and it is a great adventure living here and we feel very blessed) but I do really miss family and friends.