The Ride began at 9:30 in the morning. The first pictures are of Jill getting the stirrups adjusted, views on the way up, Cameron Falls, and mule deer. The route was varied and included riding through pasture land, on roadways behind the houses in the town, but mostly going STRAIGHT UP hill - or should I say Mountains. The view from way up shows you how much elevation we gained on the way up. On the earlier posts I said (more than once) how
narrow the path, how rock-strewn the path, how close to the edge which was often a steep vertical drop. Man I am so brave on a horse and yet not able to get on a plane - go figure.
The horse I rode was named Zamboni and she took advantage of whatever greenery she could eat - she was stubborn and headstrong just like me. Jill's horse was nice and calm and named Skeena.
At the top at Bertha Falls we dismounted and rested a bit then headed down. Our guide was a young Australian woman whose grandfather had been a rancher in Alberta. She was an expert rider, calm and just a lovely guide...we were lucky to have her take us up those mountains.
The picture of Jill and I sitting on the horses in the corral is at the end of the ride and we are contemplating trying to dismount. My knees were locked from having to stand in the stirrups, leaning back for most of the descent. Jill was worried she couldn't lift her leg over the back of the horse to get off. We both thought our legs would give out under us when we landed...but we were fine and only a bit sore the next day. This was a fabulous adventure and I am thrilled we did it. The last picture is another trail guide riding a spirited Arabian heading on on the next ride and showing off. Glad we didn't have him as our guide.