Monday, August 17, 2009

KANANASKIS COUNTRY - over 4000 Square km of wilderness

It was a very good thing that these Mountain sheep (or goats) were at an intersection because cars had to stop .... these guys were on the highway & on 3 sides of the corner. There is more text at the end of the pictures to tell you where we were.
It was a breathtaking road trip.

The plaque a few pictures into this blog refers to two mountains (in the photo following the shot of the plaque) named after 2 officers killed in WWW1. I found it very moving.

We took the most spectacular drive today (about 130 km in total)
through what is known as Kananaskis Country. It was a trip through
3 Provincial Parks - Bow Valley Wildland Prov. Pk, Spray Valley Prov. Park, &
Peter Lougheed Prov. Park.
Each one more breathtaking than the previous one.
AND - I saw my first bear....safely from the car. It was a black bear and it was hightailing it away from the road so we saw its rump and its back...but unmistakably a black bear.
The pictures do not capture the beauty of what we saw every mile of the way. But it is a trip we will definitely take again and take more pictures.